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The care and feeding of silkworms is a delicate and labor-intensive process. The tiny larvae emerging from a seed the size of a pinhead have gone through 3 feeding and 3 sleeping cycles. Now on day 24, our silkworm larvae are in their 4th year. They were fed with fresh mulberry leaves every moment they were not sleeping and they grew rapidly. At each age, the amount of mulberry leaves consumed daily and the number of feedings increases. At 4 years old, they are fed 5 times a day with fresh mulberry leaves and undergo one diaper change (silkworm harvesting) process per day. In the early age periods, mulberry leaves were finely chopped, but at age 4 they can be given in larger pieces. For one box of silkworm seeds (eggs), 500 kg. of mulberry leaves are required. The mulberry leaves need to be collected fresh at each feeding and quickly delivered to the feeding trays. The mulberry leaves to be given to silkworms, which are very sensitive creatures, are collected from mulberry trees grown only for leaf supply, away from all kinds of environmental and air pollution. At the same time, there are technical details such as hygiene in the feeding house, temperature, humidity and lighting time that must be carefully and meticulously followed.Silkworm farming, which requires intensive labor, is a production area identified with family labor and women's labor. The producer partners of our EkoDoku Sustainable Life Cooperative, our dear friends, tenderly feed and raise silkworms day and night #sericulture #peacesilk

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